Another great recipe thanks to Melissa (and Oxygen Magazine)! I can’t wait to have this for lunch the next two days! I really liked it but it was a little bland so we added pepper and a little more cheese on top. :)
Ingredients -
1 whole egg and 2 egg whites (I used 3 whole eggs....and then threw in a 4th when I thought the egg to quinoa/broccoli ratio looked too low. This is my first Frittata, but somehow I thought I still new better than the recipe ;)
½ cup nonfat milk
½ cup fat-free shredded cheddar cheese (I used regular)
Sea salt, to taste (I used a little garlic power instead because I saw that in another version of this recipe online)
1 cup quinoa, cooked
1 14-oz bag frozen broccoli
½ cup nonfat milk
½ cup fat-free shredded cheddar cheese (I used regular)
Sea salt, to taste (I used a little garlic power instead because I saw that in another version of this recipe online)
1 cup quinoa, cooked
1 14-oz bag frozen broccoli
I also added chopped onion which was really good in it if I do say so!
In a medium bowl, scramble egg, egg whites, and milk, then add cheese and salt to taste. Put quinoa and broccoli in an oven safe skillet, pour egg mixture over it and cook over medium-high heat until eggs are set around edges. Place skillet under broiler until middle is set and edges are brown.
In a medium bowl, scramble egg, egg whites, and milk, then add cheese and salt to taste. Put quinoa and broccoli in an oven safe skillet, pour egg mixture over it and cook over medium-high heat until eggs are set around edges. Place skillet under broiler until middle is set and edges are brown.
Makes 4 (good sized) servings, Nutrients per serving (in original recipe)
Calories: 263, Total Fat: 4 g, Saturated Fat: 1 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 56 mg, Sodium: 229 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 37 g, Dietarty Fiber: 5 g, Sugars: 5 g, Protein: 15 g, Iron: 2 mg
Calories: 263, Total Fat: 4 g, Saturated Fat: 1 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 56 mg, Sodium: 229 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 37 g, Dietarty Fiber: 5 g, Sugars: 5 g, Protein: 15 g, Iron: 2 mg